Sunday, 5 July 2015

Convert any Video to ASCII using VLC Media Player

You might have used VLC media player for converting videos (click the link to learn how to convert videos using VLC media player). Ever tried to convert a video to ASCII format ??
Well, here it is.

                          A sample Image of a Video playing in ASCII
just follow these steps and see it on your own:

1. Open the VLC Media Player.

2. Click the Tools menu and select Preferences Option from the Dropdown list.

3. Select the Video Option from the Window that appears as shown:

4. After Clicking on Video From the dropdown list of Output Choose Color ASCII art video output.

5. Click Save and Restart the VLC Player with a video. The Video plays in ASCII.

6. To revert the Changes in the player, Repeat the above steps with a slight change of Selecting Automatic in Step 4.

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