Monday, 29 June 2015

How to change the password of already logged on windows - II

My earlier post showed how to change windows password using command prompt. Click here to see that post. Here is another way of doing this.
This can be used in case the user has forgotten the password for his windows and has no recovery disk available. I suggest not to use this for irrelevant purposes!!

1. Open run.
2. Type in "compmgmt.msc" and press enter. Computer management window will appear.
(Alternatively, you could right click my computer and choose "Manage" option.)

3. click on "local user and group" option and select Users in the left pane.
4. You will then see the User accounts on the right side, right click "Administrator" and choose set password.
You can now set a new password and you will not be asked to enter the old password.

Happy recovery ;)

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