This section contains some interesting programs,the one in the bold letters must be seen are my personal favourite, Sorting programs, infix to postfix conversion and c program for postfix evaluation, some basic examples of dynamic programming , and some simple games in C.
NOTE: If graphics library is used in any of the below programs please change the path in the initgraph() function as per the BGI directory of your system.
NOTE: If graphics library is used in any of the below programs please change the path in the initgraph() function as per the BGI directory of your system.
- Caesar Cipher
- Grid Search(Searching for a pattern of digits in a 2D array of digits)
- Permutations of a string
- Translations of Morse code
- Convert decimal number to Roman number
- To check if a number is power of 2 (One Liner Code)
- Find the square root of a number
- Program to find XOR without using XOR operator
- Find the maximum sum subarray (Using Recursion)
- Find the maximum sum of contiguous subarray (Kadane's Algorithm)
- Finding the longest common sub set
- Keeping log of program execution
Data Structure and algorithms:
- Link list implementation (Menu driven program)
- Bubble sort
- Insertion Sort
- Merge Sort
- Infix to Postfix Conversion
- Postfix evaluation
Dynamic Progamming:
- Finding Fibonacci Number (Efficient method) (Dynamic Programming)
- Matrix Chain Multiplication(Dynamic Programming)
- Longest Common Subsequence(Dynamic Programming)
- 0/1 Knapsack Problem(Dynamic Programming)
Games and Others:
- Sanke Game program(basic)
- Snake game (with sound and other settings)(improved)
- Tower Of Hanoi
- Sudoku
more to be added..
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