C Programs

This section contains some interesting programs,the one in the bold letters must be seen are my personal favourite, Sorting programs, infix to postfix conversion and c program for postfix evaluation, some basic examples of dynamic programming , and some simple games in C.

NOTE: If graphics library is used in any of the below programs please change the path in the initgraph() function as per the BGI directory of your system.

Some Interesting Programs:
  1.  Caesar Cipher
  2.  Grid Search(Searching for a pattern of digits in a 2D array of digits)
  3. Permutations of a string
  4. Translations of Morse code 
  5. Convert decimal number to Roman number
  6. To check if a number is power of 2 (One Liner Code)
  7. Find the square root of a number
  8. Program to find XOR without using XOR operator
  9. Find the maximum sum subarray (Using Recursion)
  10. Find the maximum sum of contiguous subarray (Kadane's Algorithm)
  11. Finding the longest common sub set
  12. Keeping log of program execution

Data Structure and algorithms:
  1. Link list implementation (Menu driven program)
  2. Bubble sort
  3. Insertion Sort
  4. Merge Sort
  5. Infix to Postfix Conversion 
  6. Postfix evaluation

Dynamic Progamming: 
  1.  Finding Fibonacci Number (Efficient method) (Dynamic Programming)
  2.  Matrix Chain Multiplication(Dynamic Programming)
  3.  Longest Common Subsequence(Dynamic Programming)
  4. 0/1 Knapsack Problem(Dynamic Programming)

more to be added..

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