Here is a menu driven program which performs all the operations on linked list as per the input given according to the menu.
C program for implementation of linked list and displaying elements of a linked list is as shown below:
C program for implementation of linked list and displaying elements of a linked list is as shown below:
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> typedef struct node{ int data; struct node* ptr; }node; node *start=NULL, *temp, *p; void create(); void display(); void insert_beg(); void insert_end(); void insert_sp(); void deletion(); void main(){ int choice; clrscr(); SP: printf(" **********MENU**********"); printf("\n1. create a node"); printf("\n2. Insert an element at the beginning of node"); printf("\n3. Display the status of the list"); printf("\n4. Insert at end of list"); printf("\n5. Insert at a specific point in list"); printf("\n6. Delete a node"); printf("\n7. Exit"); printf("\n\nEnter you choice:"); scanf(" %d",&choice); switch(choice){ case 1: create(); break; case 2: insert_beg(); break; case 3: display(); break; case 4: insert_end(); break; case 5: insert_sp(); break; case 6: deletion(); break; case 7: exit(0); default : printf("INVALID CHOICE! TRY AGAIN..\n\n"); } goto SP; } void create(){ int i,item,num ; printf("\nEnter the no. of nodes to be created:"); scanf(" %d",&num); for(i=0;i<num;i++){ printf("Enter the data:"); scanf(" %d",&item); temp=(node *)malloc(sizeof(node)); temp->data=item; temp->ptr=NULL; if(start==NULL) start=temp; else{ p=start; while(p->ptr!=NULL) p=p->ptr; p->ptr=temp; } } } void display(){ temp=start; printf("\nThe current status of the list is:"); while(temp!=NULL){ printf(" %d\t",temp->data); temp=temp->ptr; } printf("\n\n"); } void insert_beg(){ int new_item; node *newb; newb=(node *)malloc(sizeof(node)); printf("Enter data to be inserted:"); scanf(" %d",&new_item); newb->data=new_item; newb->ptr=start; start=newb; } void insert_end(){ node *newe ; int new_item; newe=(node *)malloc(sizeof(node)); printf("\nEnter the element to be inserted:"); scanf("%d",&new_item); newe->data=new_item; newe->ptr=NULL; temp=start; while(temp!=NULL) temp=temp->ptr; temp->ptr=newe; } void insert_sp(){ node *newn; int item,k,i; printf("\nEnter the position where the node is to be inserted:"); scanf(" %d",&k); newn=(node *)malloc(sizeof(node)); printf("\nEnter data: "); scanf("%d",&item); newn->data=item; newn->ptr=NULL; temp=start; for(i=0;i<k-2;i++) temp=temp->ptr; newn->ptr=temp->ptr; temp->ptr=newn; } void deletion(){ int k,i; printf("\nEnter the position of the node which is to be deleted:"); scanf(" %d",&k); temp=start; for(i=1;i<k-1;i++) temp=temp->ptr; temp->ptr=temp->ptr->ptr; }
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