ShadowHack tech blog

Welcome to ShadowHack Tech Blog

This blog has various sections related to computer science and engineering,(Click the links below to access that particular section) :

5. Intereseting C Programs (Must See these programs)

Programs for games like SnakeSudoku and other programs like Tower of Hanoi and other cool C programs - Click Here
Snake game with sounds and other settings option.
Dynamic Programming.

Last Updated :
  1. Link list implementation
  2. Sorting: Bubble sort, Insertion Sort, Merge Sort
  3. Infix to Postfix Conversion
  4. Postfix evaluation
  5. Keeping log of program execution
  6. Difference between calloc and malloc
  7. Enable undo button in Gmail
  8. Keyboard short cuts you should know

My Popular posts :
*   To check if a number is power of 2 (One Line Code)
*  Program to print all possible Translation of Morse Code
*  A Simple program to print all the permutations of a string.
*  Snake Game and Sudoku Solver in C language.
*  What Google can do
*  IP Addressing.
*  Different types of network.

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